Abstract Reviewers for 2025– Scientific and Education

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Signup Deadline: 01-15-2025
Starts: 05-15-2025
Ends: 06-05-2025
Location: Online Opportunity


Abstract Reviewers for 2025– Scientific and Education

Time commitment: up to 20 hours
When work is performed: Mid May to Early June

What an Abstract Reviewer Does
Volunteers will review and score abstracts submitted through the RSNA Official Call for Abstracts.

Experience Required
Expertise in one of the radiology subspecialty areas

Selection Process
The Annual Meeting Program Planning Committee (AMPPC) and its subcommittee chairs will review applications. The number of individuals chosen will be based on the number of abstract submissions received and how many reviewers are needed by each subcommittee of the AMPPC.

If you would like to apply for this opportunity, please make sure you are logged in. Then you will see the "Apply Today!"  button.


Volunteers Needed:

300 (300 open slots)

Experience Required:

See Opportunity for Details


Lauren Denny