RSNA Global Learning Centers: Volunteer Faculty

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Starts: 08-26-2024
Location: Online Opportunity


RSNA Global Learning Centers: Volunteer Faculty

Time Commitment: 
One hour of instruction per month, for a minimum of three months, in addition to any preparation time needed.

Where work is performed
: Online, via Zoom

About RSNA Global Learning Centers (GLC)
RSNA continuously operates three (3) Global Learning Centers in locations across the globe. Global Learning Centers (GLC) are RSNA three-year partnerships with radiology departments in mid-low income countries. A team of RSNA faculty creates a customized education plan focused on two subspecialities for learners at each site.

Overview of Work Performed
As GLC faculty teams need support, RSNA will reach out to volunteer faculty. Volunteers should be RSNA members who can commit an hour per month to engage in a live, virtual learning session with radiologists located at the assigned GLC site. These volunteer opportunities will take place over Zoom and accommodate the time zone of the GLC. Sessions vary from didactic lectures to case-based discussions to mentorship opportunities. We ask that volunteers commit to a minimum of three one-hour events.

Experience Required:
Volunteer GLC faculty must be RSNA members. The following experience and criteria are also preferred:

  • Teaching experience 
  • Global health experience outside of North America, especially in mid-low income areas
  • Expertise in a subspecialty area, dependent on the needs of the GLC
  • Proficiency in a language other than English may be a plus, dependent on the GLC site
  • Interest in impacting global radiology

This is an ongoing opportunity with no set number of volunteers needed. Volunteers will be selected as needed. Subspecialty expertise requested will vary based on current needs of the GLC.

Selection Process:
RSNA staff will review applications to verify that each volunteer has needed qualifications. Volunteers will be approved by the Committee of International Radiology Education (CIRE) Global Learning Centers Subcommittee. RSNA staff will reach out to potential volunteers to discuss availability and scheduling.

If you would like to apply for this opportunity, please make sure you are logged in. Then you will see the “Apply Today!” button.

Questions about this opportunity may be directed to Meaghan Roche at

Volunteers Needed:

25 (3 open slots)

Experience Required:

See Opportunity for Details


Meaghan Roche